A little about me!

I am currently a PhD Student in the Logic of Emotion Lab at Princeton University advised by Erik Nook. I am broadly interested in questions like: does the language that people use to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs grant us insights into shifts in their emotions, unique life experiences, and well-being?

Before Princeton, lab manager and research coordinator for the Communication Neuroscience lab housed in the Annenberg School Communication at the University of Pennsylvania for Dr. Emily Falk. I am also lucky that Emily loaned me out to collaborate with researchers Angela Duckworth, Lyle Ungar, and Mark Liberman on projects using computational linguistics and social science.

Prior to Penn, I was fortunate enough to play D3 college lacrosse at Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX where I received a B.A. in Psychology and met some of my best friends.

After SU, I went on to earn my Master’s in Psychological Research from Texas State University, where I studied the implications that motivation had on student-athlete’s subjective well-being. In addition to my Master’s Program, I also worked in Dr. Jamie Pennebaker’s lab as a research assistant on LIWC-22 with Dr. Sarah Seraj. Working in Jamie’s lab also transformed the way I think about studying psychology and science more broadly. That is, what can subtle shifts in one’s language tell us about any individual’s psychology (e.g., motivation, thinking, focus, etc.)?



- Text Analysis

Master of the Arts in Psychological Research,

🎓 2020 - 2022

Texas State University

- Motivation

Bachelors of the Arts, Psychology (Minor: Spanish),

🎓 2015 - 2019

Southwestern University

- AI

- Well-being